BASIN 4100 AND DFA 0056

Project Background

The Basin 4100 and Direct Flow Area (DFA) 0056 watersheds encompass a total of 4.8 square miles and are located in the City of Thornton and Adams County. Click on this link to view the project limits. The watershed is mostly single family residential, with some multi-family residential and mobile home developments. Pockets of industrial, commercial and open space/recreational areas are also present. The Basin 4100 watershed is approximately 2.3 square miles and originates south of 100th Avenue and east of 97th Avenue. It flows in an easterly and southeasterly direction until its confluence with the South Platte River. The DFA 0056 watershed is approximately 2.5 Square miles and originates around the intersection of 100th Avenue and Steele Street. It also flows in an easterly and southeasterly direction until its confluence with the South Platte River.

The purpose of the project is to provide hydrologic analysis and to develop alternatives and recommendations for stormwater infrastructure improvements where problems are predicted. An Outfall Systems Plan (OSP) will include all of these items. The previous OSP for Basin 4100 and DFA 0056 was completed in 2002.

Key Project tasks include the following:

  • Develop hydrology that reflects both existing and future land uses
  • Identify existing flooding and conveyance issues
  • Develop drainage improvement alternatives
  • Hold a public open house to discuss the project and findings
  • Preliminary design of the selected alternative

The OSP will identify these issues and provide solutions. As some areas further develop or roadway improvements are made, the information from this study will be used to guide the project sponsors in constructing appropriate infrastructure.

Project Sponsors

Mile High Flood District
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
City of Thornton
Adams County
Olsson | 1525 Raleigh Street, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80204 | 303-237-2072